Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Confessions of a Bookseller

I never read Jane Eyre before last week. I was so charmed and surprised by this novel that I am amazed it managed to slip through my grasp for so many years. I purchased a copy of Jane Eyre when I was in sixth grade and my teacher told me I would love it. Thirteen years passed between that one interaction in a bookstore and me finally deciding to read it.

The plot is beautiful. It's a gorgeous love story. I was moved to tears several times throughout the book. I was also moved to read several parts aloud to all of my roommates (four to be precise). I even exlpained the entire plot to three of them to allow them to fully appreciate the prose.

Jane Eyre reminded me what is so great about good books. The strong presence of themes and symbolism helped me realize why this would have been required reading in high school. In short...I loved it.

(i'm also playing a blogging game with friends, hence the horse prompt, feel free to play along)
Horse prompt: What are the top three things on your wish list for Christmas (the more amazing and impossible of getting the better)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm reading Anna Karenina, for the first time! Somehow I missed that classic, but Jane Eyre I did catch long ago. All of those English gothic romances had me hooked, still do!